This is Linksight

We are building a world where data sharing and privacy go hand in hand.

You only solve big challenges by working together. Solutions are often hidden in big data streams, but each individual party only has a small piece of the puzzle. If only you could put all that data into a large database for analysis. However, you can’t just do that. You’re almost always using privacy-sensitive or competitively sensitive data.

It is our mission to help organizations extract maximum insights and value from their data collaborations, without revealing sensitive data.

We make Linksight

Linksight is a young company, but our team members have years of experience with MPC and other decentralized, cryptographic technology.
  • Martine van de Gaar

    CEO & co-founder

    Martine knows how to get things done. As a CEO, her broad experience at large organizations comes in handy. In this, her keen eye for everyone's needs is her secret weapon. Martine was project leader of the TNO project in which MPC was applied to real personal data for the first time in the Netherlands.

    As if starting a start-up wasn't enough. With her family of three young children, she also moved to rural Bakel to renovate an old house from top to bottom. Which she can then fill with her own mosaics and paintings. Secretly a big fan of Bob Ross.

  • Maarten Everts

    CTO & co-founder

    The Linksight platform is Maarten's brainchild. He came up with the concept, and wrote the initial code. As CTO, he is responsible for the technical roadmap. He is also an assistant professor of applied cryptography at the University of Twente, which allows him to directly utilize the latest academic results.

    Maarten also loses himself in technological issues in his free time. He is a real creator. In his own home-lab in Zwolle, every weekend he creates a new -sometimes bizarre- project. Not surprisingly, he is also a regular visitor to the Nerdland festival in Belgium.

  • Theo Koster


    Theo's career spans IT, marketing, commerce, and stakeholder engagement, with a keen focus on the customer experience. To him, this intersection is crucial: a dynamic space where momentum is built, challenges are met, and meaningful connections are forged. It's the feedback from actual users that drives Theo, focussing his attention towards organizations that deploy collaborative data analysis.

    Experiencing a prolonged illness and an unlikely recovery has profoundly shifted Theo's perspective. The fog of trivial concerns has lifted, revealing what truly matters: lasting relationships, engaging conversations, and deep involvement. These elements now take precedence in his life, with everything else falling naturally into place. Beyond his professional endeavors, Theo dedicates himself to patient advocacy, a gesture of gratitude towards the healthcare professionals who supported him through his illness.

  • Victor Li

    Tech lead

    Victor has been involved with Linksight from the very beginning. He has broad knowledge of computer science and cyber security, gained at FoX IT and TNO. Victor enjoys solving the biggest challenges around privacy and security.

    Sporty, that's Victor above all. He stood on top of the Huaya Potosi in Bolivia (6088 meters). Bouldering and squash are good preparation for the next challenge. Before a trek through Patagonia that Victor and his girlfriend dream of, for example.

  • Gian Piero Dionisio

    Cryptographic engineer

    Gian Piero has a solid mathematical background. He is responsible for several components of the Linksight platform, such as the cryptographic MPC protocols, our governance service, and the system for automatically enforcing governance rules.

    Gian Piero is very attached to his privacy. Therefore, we do not reveal anything about his occupations besides his work. What you may know is that he lives and works in Rome.

  • Matthijs Roelink

    Full-Stack Developer

    Matthijs is an all-round developer, working on both the cryptographic protocols and the user experience of the Linksight platform. Graduated cum-laude in 2022 on a practical application of zero-knowledge proofs, knowledge that comes in very handy at Linksight.

    Matthijs is one half of twins. So are three others in Roelink House. Computers have been his passion from an early age. He taught himself to program on a Commodore 64 (surprising, considering his age). On the weekends, a gamer and Formula One fan.

  • Jasper Sustronk

    Full-Stack Developer

    Jasper graduated cum laude in fully homomorphic encryption, and uses this state-of-the-art technology in developing the latest generation of Linksight protocols. He is also in frequent contact with our customers, allowing him to optimally translate wishes into possibilities in technology.

    Chances are you will find Jasper with running shoes on, as he is currently training with his girlfriend for a marathon. Big chance you won't run into him either, as he works partly from Uppsala in Sweden.

  • Pieter Verhagen


    Pieter was involved from the very beginning as a co-founder of Linksight. With his many years of experience at TNO as a business developer for data-sharing technology, Pieter knows better than anyone how to set up collaborations between multiple parties. Meanwhile, Pieter is setting up the next innovations in the market elsewhere, but he is still involved with Linksight as an ambassador!

    Pieter is a social animal who coaches three young children at home in Rotterdam and a youth team on the field hockey field. Fortunately, he can take a break at the bar after his own veteran game. Pieter is the talker on our team. He can really only be silenced by turning on a podcast in the car.

  • Ingeborg Mijling

    Board Advisor

    Shaping organizations towards their next phase, by applying appropriate business models and collaboration with sector partners. That is the specialty of Ingeborg. As board advisor she reflects regularly with Linksight’s executives on strategy and tactics, using her 30 years of experience in medtech and ICT.

    Shaping organizations towards their next phase, by applying appropriate business models and collaboration with sector partners. That is the specialty of Ingeborg. As board advisor she reflects regularly with Linksight’s executives on strategy and tactics, using her 30 years of experience in medtech and ICT.

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Innovated with TNO

Linksight is a TNO spinoff company. The Linksight platform was developed by us at TNO in collaboration with market participants. We founded Linksight to offer this platform as an operational service. We work with TNO and other knowledge partners to translate the latest insights from cryptography into new possibilities in our product.